3,346. Ten Who Are Not Given Terumah in the Granary
Terumos 12:22
Ten types of people are not given terumah in the granaries even though they are allowed to eat it and can bestow upon others the right to eat it. These are: (1) a person with congenital deafness, (2) a person lacking full cognitive faculties and (3) a minor who doesn’t know how to spread his hands in order to recite the birkas kohanim (the priestly benediction). This is because such people are presumed to lack the requisite degree of knowledge; (4) a person of indeterminate gender and (5) an intersex person (formerly referred to as a ”hermaphrodite”) because they are a special creation; (6) a servant, so that passersby not observe and then testify that he’s a kohein; (7) an uncircumcised male and (8) someone who is ritually unclean, because doing so is considered detestable; (9) a woman, out of concern that she be divorced (from the kohein and no longer entitled to eat terumah), as well as to prevent issues of yichud (seclusion with members of the opposite sex); and (10) one who marries a woman not permitted to kohanim; such a person is penalized that he can’t collect terumah from the granaries until he divorces her. In all of these cases, terumah can be sent to their homes and distributed to them, just like all other sanctified foods of Israel. The exception is one who marries a woman prohibited to kohanim, an uncircumcised male and one who is ritually unclean; terumah isn’t sent to them at all.
Terumos 13:1
Terumah is nullified in a mixture 101 times its original volume. For example, if a seah of terumah falls into 100 seah of secular produce and it all gets mixed together, he must take one seah and give it to a kohein; the rest of the mixture is then permitted to non-kohanim. If the terumah is something the kohanim don't care about, such as the terumah of wild figs, carobs, Edomite barley, etc., one need not separate a seah for the kohein. Rather, since it fell into 100 times its volume, the small volume of terumah is nullified and the whole mixture is rendered permitted to non-kohanim.