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"Green"ings and "Salad"ations: A-"dressing" the Kashrus Issues

Have you ever heard anyone say, "This restaurant isn't kosher; I'll just get salad." If you have, tell them to listen to this presentation. Rabbi David Bistricer, a Rabbinic Coordinator with OU Kashruth with special expertise in insect infestation, eloquently discusses the surprising issues related to eating salads. From traif bugs to kosher croutons and cheeses, it's all here! For further information about eating vegetables, check out the Kosher Tidbit VIDEO on vegetable inspection and, of course, the revised "OU Guide to Checking Fruits and Vegetables " (edited by Rabbi Bistricer). It is available at You can also check out the Fruit & Vegetable chart at . For more information about inspecting vegetables, please contact the Webbe Rebbe at: