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R. Elazar Fleckles Defends Noda BYehuda's View of a Shiva House (24 Adar Sheni)

שו"ת תשובה מאהבה א:נ 24 Adar Sheni 5567 (1807)

Elazar Fleckles was asked about his teacher, Noda BYehuda's, claim that the priestly blessing is recited in a shiva home. He defends that view, and shows why it's different from Tisha B'Av or when a groom is in shul.

שו"ת דברי חיים או"ח ב:ב 24 Adar Sheni 5622 (1862)

The Sanzer Rebbe on when or whether we can take down one shul to help build its replacement.