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R. Chaim Berlin on Which Cities Were Given to Leviim (22 Adar Sheni)

שו"ת נשמת חיים קעט 22 Adar Sheni 5648 (1888)

R. Chayyim Berlin was asked about verses that seem to say that the tribe of Yehudah gave eight cities to Levi'im, the tribe of Shim'on only one. That seemed unfair to the questioner, who suggested that some of the cities weren't the ones we think they were. R. Chaim Berlin rejects the question with citations of other verses that prove the man's contention was untenable, and then offers an idea he got from Radak, about temporary Levite cities, while the Jews conquered the rest of Israel. A reminder that studying Tanach can also count as Torah study.

שו"ת אור לציון אורח חיים א:מט 22 Adar Sheni 5733 (1973)

R. Ben Zion Abba Shaul on mourning when the Purim meal in Jerusalem is on Sunday the 16th of Adar.