3,185. Tzedaka to Non-Jews

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 7:7

We provide food and clothing to the needy of other nations just as we do to needy Jews in order to promote peaceful relations. If a needy person begs door to door, we don’t give him a lot, just a little. If someone requests charity, we are not permitted to turn him away empty-handed. One should give even a single fig as per Psalms 74:21: “Don’t let the downtrodden turn away in shame.”

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 7:8

If a needy person travels from one location to another, we don’t give him less than a loaf of bread that sells for a punidyon (a denomination of coin) when wheat sells for four seah per sela. [In other words, a loaf of a quarter-kav, which is about 13 ounces of flour.] If he spends the night, we give him a mattress to sleep on, a pillow for his head, oil and beans. If he stays for Shabbos, we give him food for three meals, oil, beans, fish and vegetables. If we know who he is, we provide his needs in accordance with the honor he is due.