3,180. Sharecroppers

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 6:14

If two needy people receive a field as sharecroppers, each of them may separate the maaser ani of his share and give it to the other.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 6:15

If someone is given the right to harvest a field, he loses the right to take leket, shich’cha, pe'ah and maaser ani. This is the case when one accepts a field so that he will receive a percentage of the whole field’s produce as his wage, e.g., one-third or one-fourth. However, if the landowner tells him that he’ll only receive a percentage of what he harvests, then he has no right to anything before he harvests it. Accordingly, he’s a needy person at harvest time. In this case, he is still entitled to leket, shich’cha and pe'ah. He is, however, prohibited in maaser ani because maaser ani is only separated after the harvest has been completed, by which point he has already received his share of what he harvested.