3,159. Obligations After Bringing in the Produce

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:26

If tithes were given to a Levi before t’rumah (the portion for the kohein) was taken and olelos were found among them, they are given to the needy. If the olelos can be harvested with the cluster, they can be used as t’rumas maser (the portion a Levi gives a kohein) for crops from elsewhere.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:27

Let’s say that someone has five vines, he harvests them, and he brings the produce into his house. If he intends to eat them as grapes, he is exempt from peret, shich’cha and neta revai, but he must leave olelos. If he harvested them in order to make wine, then he is obligated in all of these unless he left some grapes unharvested.