3,157. Olelos From a Consecrated Vineyard

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:22

The needy are not permitted to take the peret and the olelos until the landowner starts harvesting his vineyard, as per Deuteronomy 24:21, “When you harvest your vineyard, don’t gather the underdeveloped clusters.” The needy may being taking the peret and olelos once the landowner has harvested three clusters that will yield a reviis of wine (about 3.3 oz.).

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:23

If a landowner consecrates his vineyard before becoming aware of the underdeveloped clusters, the olelos don’t go to the needy. If he was already aware of the underdeveloped clusters, then they go to the needy, but they must pay the Temple treasury for the development the grapes made while growing on consecrated land.