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Nedarim 10:8-11:1

Nedarim 10:8

A vow can be voided the entire day, which can lead to both leniencies and stringencies, as follows: If a woman took a vow on Friday night, it can be voided Friday night and Shabbos day until nightfall. If she took a vow during twilight on Friday, it can only be voided until nightfall. Once it’s dark, her husband can no longer void her vow.

Nedarim 11:1

The following types of vows may be voided: vows of self-affliction, like “If I wash,” “If I don’t wash,” “If I adorn” and “If I don’t adorn.” Rabbi Yosi, however, says that these vows are not examples of self-affliction.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz