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Nazir 3:1-2

Nazir 3:1

A person who says, “I am a nazir” shaves on day 31. If he shaves on day 30, he has fulfilled his obligation. If one says, “I am a nazir for 30 days” and he shaves on day 30, he has not fulfilled his obligation.

Nazir 3:2

If one undertakes two nezirus periods, he shaves on day 31 for the first and on day 61 for the second. If he shaved on day 30 for the first, he shaves on day 60 for the second. If he shaved on day 59, he has fulfilled his obligation. Rabbi Papyas testified regarding this matter that if one undertook two nezirus periods and he shaved for the first on day 30, he shaves for the second on day 60. If he shaved on day 59, he has fulfilled his obligation because day 30 of the first period is also day 1 of the second period.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz