Orach Chaim 444:6-446:3 - Pesach: Bitul on Shabbos, Other Mitzvos, How to Do Biur, Chametz Found on Pesach
Orach Chaim 442:2-442:11 - Pesach: Inedible Chametz, Starch, Half-kzaysim Joining in House or Utensil
Orach Chaim 425:3-428:3. - Rosh Chodesh: Musaf; Blessing on the Moon; the Set Calendar, Dates, and Holidays
Orach Chaim 416:3-419:1 - Techumin: Eruvin on Yom Kippur, Yom Tov and Rosh Chodesh; Working, Fasting, and Eating a Meal
Orach Chaim 406:1-408:1 - Techumin: Permitted Cases to Leave the Techum; Placing Eruv Techumin and Acquiring Residence to Extend One’s Techum
Orach Chaim 401:1-404:1 - Techumin: Slept Through, Pond Across Two Techumin, Non-Jews Surrounded, Above 10 Tefachim
Orach Chaim 399:4-400:1 - Techumin: Measuring - Hills, Valleys, Experts, Diagonals, Witnesses, Unwitting Inclusion