3,234. Tithing the Gifts to the Needy

Terumos 2:8

While fenugreek isn’t considered suitable for human consumption when hard, since most people eat it before then, it is obligated in terumos and maaseros.

Terumos 2:9

The gifts given to the needy, i.e., leket, shich’cha, peah, individual grapes that got separated from their clusters and the undergrown clusters, are exempt from terumos and maaseros. This is so even if the recipient gathers them into a pile. However, if he gathers them into a granary in the field, then they are obligated in terumos and maaseros. If he gathers them into a granary in the city, they are exempt because everyone will know that this produce is leket, shich’cha or peah.