3,238. Terumah From Outside of Israel

Terumos 2:16

One who separates the terumah gedolah or terumas maaser recites a bracha before doing so, the same as one does before performing other mitzvos, as was already discussed in Hilchos Brachos.

Terumos 2:17

Terumah – even ritually unclean terumah – may not be brought from Israel to other lands. We may also not bring terumah from other lands to Israel. If one did so, it is not eaten because it is unclean from the soil of the nations. It is also not burned, out of concern that people might say that they saw terumah that wasn’t rendered unclean being burned. It is likewise not returned to outside of Israel, out of concern that people might get the misimpression that terumah could be brought from Israel to elsewhere. Rather, we just leave it alone until it is rendered unclean from a known contaminant – or until the day before Passover in the case of chometz – at which point it can be burned.