3,235. Produce That Was Declared Hefker

Terumos 2:10

One must take terumos and maaseros from leket, shich’cha and peah from a non-Jew unless he declared them ownerless. Similarly, grain and olives that haven’t reached a third of their growth are exempt from terumah and tithes. The way to identify such produce is that if its seeds were planted, they would sprout, then we know that it has reached a third of its growth. If someone acted counter to the law and took terumah from grain or olives that have not yet reached a third of their growth, what he separated isn’t terumah.

Terumos 2:11

Produce that was declared ownerless is exempt from terumos and maaseros, including produce that was declared ownerless by a non-Jew. However, if one planted crops in a field that had been declared ownerless, then he must take terumos and maaseros.